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Members and Partners

The Members

The AAPI consists of over 550 ATIP professionals, who come from Quebec public bodies in different areas of activity (municipal and public safety, education and higher education, health and social services, government departments and bodies, professional orders), from federal government institutions and private companies.

The ATIP professionals play important roles to ensure that the citizens’ fundamental rights are respected, including those stipulated in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The AAPI supports them in performing these tasks that are essential to democracy.

Learn more about the privileges that are granted to members

The Partners

The AAPI’s partners believe in its vision to be the reference in ensuring leadership and support to ATIP professionals in the performance of functions. As an organization, the AAPI makes sure to maintain constructive and evolving connections with its partners.

Its main partners are:

  • for the Access to Information and Privacy Professional Training Program–Public bodies in Quebec (ATIPPTP–PBQ), the Government of Quebec (Secrétariat à l’accès à l’information et à la réforme des institutions démocratiques [SAIRID], ministère du Conseil exécutif) as well as the Faculty of Continuing Education of the Université de Montréal, and the Continuing Education of the Barreau du Québec and the Chambre des notaires;
  • for the Access to Information and Privacy Training Program–Federal Institutions (ATIPTP–FI), the network of coordinators in access to information and privacy;
  • For the Journée professionnelle Comment se préparer et se présenter à l’audience devant la CAI, the Commission d’accès à l’information, a commissioner of which is presiding the simulation;
  • for the Collection Guides AAPI, Éditions Yvon Blais, who acknowledged the AAPI’s practical expertise as well as the needs of the practitioners;
  • for organizing activities meant for the police network, the Réseau policier en AIP overseen by the Sûreté du Québec and, for the distribution of training to investigators, the École nationale de police (ENP).


The AAPI joins different partners involved, among else, in information security and in documentation management to offer its members lectures about common issues related to ATIP. These activities fit into the perspective of good practices, and thus, allow the establishment of professional connections with the members of other associations, who share the same concerns regarding the integration of knowledge and actions.