Mot de passe oublié


Mot de passe oublié


Public Submissions

The AAPI submits records or presents its comments in public consultations of the Government of Quebec, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and Quebec’s Commission d’accès à l’information, about matters related to access to information, protection of personal information, confidentiality and respect of privacy. Throughout the years, the Association became a significant and sought-after representative in the matter.

Among other things, its submissions to different instances allow the AAPI to highlight the importance of having a balance between the obligations and duties allotted to the ATIP professionals and the resources that are made available to them. As a matter of fact, this integration can only be made possible by collaborative, and by concerted action and leadership between executives and the designated professionals.

The AAPI also believes that a culture of transparency must prevail in the rules of governance of public organizations and private companies. This culture can be expressed through giving the ATIP professionals access to greater autonomy that relies on their skills and allowing them to have significant influence in the evolution of the culture and of the practices of their organization, for a proactive distribution of the information and a responsible management of personal information, all in the general interest of citizens.